
How we got a mention on the biggest football podcast in the world!

Max Rushden came to our media screening at the Nova last weekend. Like Puskas before him, he's a big football fish, squirrelled away in Melbourne suburbia. Puskas was the better player though. 😊

All session times now up at Ange & The Boss website.

Ange & The Boss tickets

I met Max Rushden through our mutual friend, Francis Leach (who is MCing our Nova screenings this coming Friday). We all shared a drink in Richmond many years ago because Max was out here spending time with his girlfriend Jaime’s family. Eventually Jaime became ‘Mrs Rushden’, who provides amusingly distracted and remarkably accurate football tips for Max and his social media audience at all major tournaments, and has coaxed him here permanently to Australia. One trick Max has when it comes to goading his mainly British audience is to post pictures of, say, the Sydney Opera House on a perfect blue skied day with a comment like ‘lousy day as always here in Dover’. He also has the greatest pub dance on the internet.

As the 23,000th most important person in his life, I encouraged him to come and see ‘Ange & The Boss’, which he obligingly did. And then he doubly obligingly allowed himself to be filmed saying this:

His Guardian Football Weekly (with co-host Barry Glendinning) is absolutely huge — it has tens of thousands of listeners in Australia and hundreds of thousands worldwide. Cam and I have both received emails from across the world as a result of Max’s kind words. And yes we are looking for UK distribution!

Email Tony

We’ve also had the honour this week of being on The Final World podcast, which is a favourite of Cam’s and mine. Cam’s actually done some Ashes tour filming for Geoff Lemon and Adam Collins.

Tomorrow is the day! We have our season opener at Palace Pentridge in Coburg, which then sets us up for a big Q&A weekend across Melbourne and Sydney. But the cinemas have now (finally) announced timings for all screenings in all capital cities (edit: we are coming to Hobart on 20th March). They’re up in day order on our website angeandtheboss.com and the links are live there.

Hope to see you out there!

Best wishes



They are also listed below:


Thursday 13 March

12.45 Brighton Church St
12.50 Nova
6.30 Pentridge Q&A
6.50 Nova

Friday 14 March

12.45 Brighton Church St
12.50 Nova
2.40 Nova
6.30 Sun Theatre
6.30 Nova Q&A
7.00 Nova Q&A

Saturday 15 March

11.30 Brighton Church St
12.00 Nova
1.30 Pennylane
1.30 Westgarth
1.40 Balwyn
2.30 Sun Theatre
2.30 Pentridge
3.00 Classic Q&A
6.00 Nova
6.15 Pentridge

Sunday 16 March

11.30 Brighton Church St
1.00 Nova
1.30 Pennylane
1.40 Balwyn
3.00 Westgarth Q&A (pre)
3.00 Lido Q&A (post)
4.30 Sun Theatre
9.00 Nova

Monday 17 March

12.45 Brighton Church St
12.50 Nova
6.50 Nova

Saturday 22 March

3.00 Cameo Belgrave Q&A

6.00 Thornbury Picture House Q&A

Tuesday 18 March

12.45 Brighton Church St
12.50 Nova
7.15 Nova

Sunday 23 March

5.50 Thornbury Picture House Q&A

Wednesday 19 March

10.30 Nova
12.45 Brighton Church St
8.40 Nova

Tuesday 25 March

6.10 Thornbury Picture House Q&A

Friday 21 March

6.40 Nova Q&A

Sunday 30 March

5.30 Thornbury Picture House Q&A


Saturday 15 March

1:00 Norton Street

Sunday 16 March

1.45 Norton Street

Monday 17 March

6.30 Norton St Q&A (pre) SELLING FAST

7.00 Ritz Randwick Q&A post film


Saturday 15 March

1.40 James Street

Sunday 16 March

2.20 James Street

Thursday 27 March

6.30 The Barracks Q&A pre film

6.30 Five Star New Farm Q&A post film


Saturday 15 March

4.00 Nova Prospect

Sunday 16 March

3.00 Nova Prospect

Saturday 29 March

7.00 Picadilly,North Adelaide Q&A


Saturday 15 March

2.00 Raine Square

Sunday 16 March

2.00 Raine Square


Saturday 15 March

1.10 Electric Cinema

Sunday 16 March

1.20 Electric Cinema

Sessions, trailer, tickets