
'For two hours a week we would feel alive' — Ange speaking in Greek about the glory of Hellas

Ange Postecoglou speaks in Greek about what Hellas means to him, and about his championship winning coach, Hungarian legend Ferenc Puskas.

Today was an exciting day for our ‘Puskas in Australia’ project. A generous donor made a contribution of $25,000, which gave us real belief that we can get our feature documentary on screens in 2024. A possible premiere is the Melbourne International Film Festival in August, or, failing that, the Melbourne Greek Film Festival in November. We’ve also applied to over a dozen overseas festivals, and are confident we’ll land a spot at the Paladino d’Oro sports film festival in Palermo in November.

We’ve become festival focused in order to reduce what has been the prohibitive cost of copyright clearances. The plan now is to get it in front of audiences and hope that cinema seasons, distributors and streaming services follow from there.

We are still short of our targets, and are shaking the tin for the last $50k. If you know that big hearted Hellas-loving billionaire who rates the 1991 Grand Final at Olympic Park as the greatest day of his life, there is an executive producer credit lurking around. Every helper, no matter how small, gets a mention in the credits. Corporate supporters will be offered logos and signage and private screening events for clients. Because the film is registered with the Documentary Australia Foundation as an eligible project, all donations are tax deductible (DAF has DGR status, which means something to people it means something to)

Donate to Puskas in Australia

Here is the trailer for those who haven’t seen it.

You can share the trailer with your favourite Hungarian billionaire using this link.

The Ange part of our story is really significant. We have a legacy section, a montage to the Robbie Williams inspired ‘I’m Loving Big Ange instead’ that shows his triumphs at South Melbourne, Brisbane Roar, the Socceroos, Yokohama Marinos, Celtic and Spurs.

There’s been some terrific articles written in the UK about our film, from journos who saw the advanced rough cut. This piece in The Times is an absolute gem, and The Guardian’s leading football columnist Jonathan Wilson also wrote 1500 words (although barely seemed to remember where he was sourcing his quotes!).

Our interview with Ange (at the top of the page) was way back in 2017 — two days after he exited the Socceroos job. So that gives a sense of how long we’ve been at it. I thought at the time to ask him to speak in Greek about his love for Hellas, and his feelings for the great Ferenc Puskas. One of our most consistent helpers on the project, Paul Mavroudis, translated this for us. If I’ve slightly misplaced the subtitles in the video above, that’s because it was all Greek to me.

This is what Ange says in Greek.

On Hellas:

Hellas for me wasn't just a team, it was a club where the community, especially on Sundays, could get away from their problems. For my parents, who had a very difficult life, they would enter the ground, and they would be surrounded by people who had the same problems, in a place where they could express themselves through their team. The team would bring them joy and sorrow, but for two hours a week we would feel alive, and we would remember that we were Greeks. 

On Puskas:

When Puskas arrived, for us it was something unbelievable. One of the greatest footballers we'd ever seen, but also a person who, both in Greece with Panathinaikos and throughout his career, had left his mark, and it was a great honour for us to have him as a coach. It's something that has stayed with me for my whole life.

Photo, Imago

If you’re excited about seeing the film, but aren’t really in a position to donate, sign up here and we’ll make sure you know when it’s screening. I’ll also have periodic news about the film in this newsletter. You can sign up to Good one, Wilson for free.

It’s been an exciting day for the film. I’m so grateful to today’s super donor, and to all 80 of you who have contributed so far, and that includes Parkmore (Keysborough District) Football Club and the Pirchan family who have been so generous with footage and photos. Cam, Rob and I can see the end after seven long years!

I’m hoping this is my last ‘ask’. My next post about Puskas in Australia will be news about where to see it!

We’re going to make it.

We are focused on the target, like the Ange disciples we aspire to be.

Go us! Go Hellas! Play the Lefteri trumpet.

We’re going to make it.

Tax deductible donation

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Puskas over the ball, (photo Les Shorrock)

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